Permitting Management to Permit Feasibility Studies
Pioneer Consulting offers a variety of services ranging from permitting management, to permitting feasibility studies for submarine fiber optic telecommunications cables, providing in-depth understanding on the permitting requirements for each project. Ascertaining permit requirements, adhering to timelines and associated logistics for each segment is crucial to the success of a project from its initial phase.
The in-house team consists of seasoned professionals with experience in managing complex permitting requirements for various telecommunications and marine projects, as well as experience operating in a wider geographic region. Pioneer Consulting’s team has a proven track record of successfully delivering the permitting advisory consultancy services and enabling permitting activities (that are often on the critical path) to be managed as efficiently as possible.
Pioneer Consulting has extensive experience and knowledge of the permitting regime in the Middle East and North Africa region.
When hired to manage an undersea cable system permitting assignment, Pioneer Consulting will evaluate the risks associated with the permit delays and deploy dedicated in-country follow-up coordinators. All permit related risks are analyzed at every stage of the project and are performed on time and to budget.
Pioneer Consulting has extensive experience and knowledge of the permitting regime in the Middle East and North Africa region. With a team deeply rooted in permitting services, we provide the following capabilities:
- Permitting management
- Permitting feasibility studies
- Permitting requirements
- Permitting advisory consultancy
- Proprietary permits
- Regulatory permits
- Terrestrial, marine, and seabed user crossing agreements
- Cable awareness stakeholder consultation for cable installation works
- Desktop studies
- Post installation survey and permit compliance reports for authorities
- Geographic information system (GIS)/mapping support
Contact Pioneer Consulting
Telephone: +1 978 357 3605
Fax: +1 501 648 9354
Legal Address: 221 River Street, 9th Floor, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 USA